120w Projecta Solar Panel Product Review

The Projecta Solar Panel kit has been specifically designed to be travel friendly pacling up into an impressive 36cm x 50cm canvas case, all this while only weighing in at 7kg


The 120 watt Projecta solar kit uses mono solar panels giving you the most current possible when you need it. Completed with a 8.5 amp regulator making it safe for your typical 12 volt setups

A hard fibre glass backing makes this kit durable and comes with a 5 mtr lead and alligator clips for you convienience.

In this test case we have a 120 amp hour full river AGM battery discharged to 50%. In just over 5 hours we fully charged our 120ah battery and collected over 21amp hours.

This real life environment saw the panel peak at over 104 watts and generated a peak current 0f 6.5 amps. The projecta solar panel kit performed even better than expected.

We would rate this solar panel kit as ideal for any situation where space and weight is critical and would be a great asset to any 4wd setup.

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